ChatGPT Style Guide: Understanding Voice and Tone Prompt Options for Engaging Conversations

chatgpt style guide relataly openai

In a previous article, we looked at the value proposition of generative AI and ChatGPT (What is the Business Value of OpenAI’s GPT Models (ChatGPT)?). A standout feature of ChatGPT is its ability to write in different styles and tones. Whether you’re aiming for a professional message, a friendly vibe, a sprinkle of humor and … Read more

Generating Detailed Images with OpenAI DALL-E and ChatGPT in Python: A Step-By-Step API Tutorial

OpenAI Dall-E ChatGPT Prompt Design Detailed Images Combining ChatGPT and Dall-E Midjourney

In this article, we will explore how to automate the creation of AI-generated art by integrating DALL-E with ChatGPT using the respective APIs in Python. ChatGPT, the state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI, has recently made waves in the tech community for its exceptional language abilities, such as code generation, prompt answering, and text completion. … Read more

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT and Other OpenAI GPT Language Models in Python A Guide to Using APIs

unleashing the power of openai super hero robot gpt python ai value proposition chatgpt

ChatGPT, developed by San Francisco-based OpenAI, is a revolutionary AI chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to generate coherent responses to user inquiries. Unlike traditional search engines, ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence to generate coherent responses to user inquiries rather than providing standard answers. The results are surprisingly good and have created a massive worldwide sensation. Many … Read more

Using Pandas DataReader to Access Online Data Sources in Python

pandas datareader python tutorial machine learning

Pandas DataReader is a library that allows data scientists to easily read data from a variety of sources into a Pandas DataFrame. This is especially useful for accessing data that resides outside of their local development environment and needs to be accessed via APIs. The Pandas DataReader provides functions for loading data from various online … Read more

Automate Crypto Trading with a Python-Powered Twitter Bot and Signals

trading bot machine learning python tutorial neural network gateio-min

This tutorial develops a Twitter bot in Python that will generate automated trading signals. The bot will pull real-time price data on various cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Doge, etc.) from the crypto exchange and analyze it using predefined rules. Whenever the bot detects a relevant price change, it automatically posts a tweet via Twitter. Simple … Read more

Requesting Crypto Price Data from the REST API in Python

gatio cryptocurrency data api midjourney relataly-min

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the spot market API to stream cryptocurrency prices in real-time using Python. Streaming prices is crucial for implementing use cases such as analyzing an incoming stream of price data in real-time for generating trading signals or conducting price analytics. One of the benefits of using … Read more

Posting Tweets On Twitter using Python and Tweepy

twitter api gate to social mediadata relataly tutorial python

In a previous article, we have shown how to retrieve social media data via the Twitter API in Python. However, we can do many more cool things with the Twitter API. Another cool thing is interacting with the Twitter user account and posting automated tweets. This article shows how this works. We will use the … Read more

Requesting Crypto Prices from the Coinmarketcap API using Python

coinmarketcap rest api python tutorial relataly midjourney

You can do various things with cryptocurrency price data, such as creating forecasting models, illustrating historical prices, or performing chart analysis. But first, you need to get hold of the data. Nowadays, several APIs provide access to cryptocurrency price data. One of the most important and trusted sources is The website offers multiple API … Read more

Streaming Tweets and Images via the Twitter API in Python

twitter social media relataly machine learning api streaming data midjourney-min

Twitter is a rich source of data that can be used to understand current and future trends. Because tweets often include hashtags, they can be easily linked to specific contexts such as political discussions or financial instruments. This makes Twitter a valuable tool for collecting and analyzing data. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to … Read more

Accessing Remote Data Sources via REST APIs in Python

rest apis python tutorial relataly machine learning-min

REST APIs provide straightforward access to remote data sources. Data scientists should learn about REST APIs because APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are an important way for data scientists to access data from other sources. By using REST APIs, data scientists can access data from a wide range of sources, including databases, web services, and other … Read more