Predictive Maintenance: Predicting Machine Failure using Sensor Data with XGBoost and Python

predictive maintenance python machine learning tutorial iot manufacturing

Predictive maintenance is a game-changer for the modern industry. Still, it is based on a simple idea: By using machine learning algorithms, businesses can predict equipment failures before they happen. This approach can help businesses improve their operations by reducing the need for reactive, unplanned maintenance and by enabling them to schedule maintenance activities during … Read more

How to Use Hierarchical Clustering For Customer Segmentation in Python


Have you ever found yourself wondering how you can better understand your customer base and target your marketing efforts more effectively? One solution is to use hierarchical clustering, a method of grouping customers into clusters based on their characteristics and behaviors. By dividing your customers into distinct groups, you can tailor your marketing campaigns and … Read more

Univariate Stock Market Forecasting using Facebook Prophet in Python

Have you ever wondered how Facebook predicts the future? Meet Facebook Prophet, the open-source time series forecasting tool developed by Facebook’s Core Data Science team. Built on top of the PyStan library, Facebook Prophet offers a simple and intuitive interface for creating forecasts using historical data. What sets Facebook Prophet apart is its highly modular … Read more

On-Chain Analytics: Metrics for Analyzing Blockchains in Python

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Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum are built on public blockchains, meaning anyone can see the transactions and trades happening on these networks. This transparency makes on-chain data an excellent resource for data science and machine learning. By examining transaction activity and the holdings of Bitcoin addresses, analysts can better understand a cryptocurrency network’s health and … Read more

Feature Engineering and Selection for Regression Models with Python and Scikit-learn

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Training a machine learning model is like baking a cake: the quality of the end result depends on the ingredients you put in. If your input data is poor, your predictions will be too. But with the right ingredients – in this case, carefully selected input features – you can create a model that’s both … Read more

Create a Personalized Movie Recommendation Engine using Content-based Filtering in Python

movie recommender python machine learning relataly midjourney-min

Content-based recommender systems are a popular type of machine learning algorithm that recommends relevant articles based on what a user has previously consumed or liked. This approach aims to identify items with certain keywords, understand what the customer likes, and then identify other items that are similar to items the user has previously consumed or … Read more

Unveiling Hidden Patterns in the Cryptocurrency Market with Affinity Propagation and Python

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Affinity propagation is a powerful unsupervised clustering technique that can identify hidden patterns in large datasets. In the cryptocurrency world, where new coins are constantly emerging and prices can be highly volatile, affinity propagation can help investors simplify the chaos. By analyzing historical price data, affinity propagation groups coins into clusters based on their past … Read more

Using Random Search to Tune the Hyperparameters of a Random Decision Forest with Python

Perfecting your machine learning model’s hyperparameters can often feel like hunting for a proverbial needle in a haystack. But with the Random Search algorithm, this intricate process of hyperparameter tuning can be efficiently automated, saving you valuable time and effort. Hyperparameters are properties intrinsic to your model, like the number of estimators in an ensemble … Read more

Leveraging Distributed Computing for Weather Analytics with PySpark

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Apache Spark is a popular distributed computing framework for Big Data processing and analytics. In this tutorial, we will work hands-on with PySpark, Spark’s Python-specific interface. We built on the conceptual knowledge gained in a previous tutorial: Introduction to BigData Analytics with Apache Spark, in which we learned about the essential concepts behind Apache Spark … Read more

Stock Market Forecasting Neural Networks for Multi-Output Regression in Python

time series prediction machine learning python tutorial relataly midjourney

Multi-output time series regression can forecast several steps of a time series at once. The number of neurons in the final output layer determines how many steps the model can predict. Models with one output return single-step forecasts. Models with various outputs can return entire series of time steps and thus deliver a more detailed … Read more

Cluster Analysis with k-Means in Python

Embark on a journey into the world of unsupervised machine learning with this beginner-friendly Python tutorial focusing on K-Means clustering, a powerful technique used to group similar data points into distinct clusters. This invaluable tool helps us make sense of complex datasets, finding hidden patterns and associations without the need for a predetermined target variable. … Read more